Music offers solace, comfort and entertainment whether you are 15 or 55. THE INTERNET provides many things including access to all manner of music. The broadest offering comes from YOU TUBE where you can see, listen and upload your own music (should you so wish) for free. Here is a selection of music from different era’s available from You Tube. 1920′S ERA MUSIC 1930′S ERA MUSIC 1940′S ERA MUSIC 1950′S ERA MUSIC 1960′S ERA MUSIC 1970′S ERA MUSIC Music can also be DOWNLOADED and STREAMED from THE INTERNET with traditional media giants like SONY vying with free music from sources such as JANGO and GROOVESHARK. ONLINE MUSIC STORES are now very much a reality and challenging the traditional broadcast and sale models for the distribution of music. THE INTERNET has also opened up opportunities for individual artists to have an INTERNET SITE or A BLOG on which they can advertise their music, show the gigs they will be playing and sometimes allow their music to be downloaded. There is often a wealth of information for fans and anyone interested in the artist. Here are some well-known examples BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN BOB DYLAN THE EAGLES THE WHO LED ZEPPELIN THE BEACH BOYS CAROLE KING Whoever your favourite singer or band is just GOOGLE them and look for the official site for the artist. PLEASE LET US HAVE YOUR FEEDBACK BY POSTING A COMMENT. SIMPLY CLICK THE LEFT BUTTON OF YOUR MOUSE ON THE FIELDS "NAME", "EMAIL" AND THEN "COMMENT" BELOW AND COMPLETE THEM IN TURN THEN GO DOWN THE PAGE AND CLICK ON “SUBMIT”. THIS WEBSITE IS SUBJECT TO OUR TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND PRIVACY POLICY. |
Rock MusicFolk MusicClassical MusicJazz Music |
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